“Network Exposure Function simulator: Opening Up 5G network to Verticals” presentation at 24th Conference InfoCom World “Fiber & 5G Highways: DigitAll Greece!
Dimitrios Fragkos from NCSR DEMOKRITOS, EVOLVED-5G coordination team, presented “Network Exposure Function simulator: Opening Up 5G network to Verticals (Aspects from the Innovative Framework of the EVOLVED-5G Project)” during 24th Conference InfoCom World “Fiber & 5G Highways: DigitAll Greece. In this session our partner introduced the audience to 5G programmability sharing key aspects of 3GPP Network and NEF Emulator. This presentation took place in the context of “Research Projects for creating the Future and Innovative Telecoms Market” and “Research Programs for the Creation of the Future and Innovative Telecommunications Market” sessions of the 24th Conference InfoCom World “Fiber & 5G Highways: DigitAll Greece. The proposed Workshop focuses thematically on the description of various -in progress- “European research programs for the creation of a future and innovative telecommunications market”. In particular, the Workshop aims to highlight many potential challenges arising from ongoing research funded by the European Commission but also to present various solutions regarding 5G networks and applications-services, capable of creating prospects for innovation and development. The Workshop is organized in nine (-9-) distinct thematic Sessions, in order to present both the scope and the results of the respective programs which are financed by the European Commission (in the context of H2020, 5G-PPP and SNS actions), in order to identify and to highlight growth opportunities for the market. There are strong conceptual interactions and common “grounds” between the thematic frameworks of the Synods. The proposed distinction can be evaluated as “indicative” and mainly as “oriented to relevant fields of the European Commission”, according to the current 5G-PPP/H2020 and/or SNS framework.