Evolved-5G articles are published in several media such as journals, newspapers, websites, newsletters etc. All published articles are presented in detail on the following sections.
- mobileeurope.co.uk, New ETSI group to build on 3GPP’s Common API framework: https://www.mobileeurope.co.uk/new-etsi-group-to-build-on-3gpps-common-api-framework/
- blog.pal-robotics.com, Developing new use cases in robotics through EU projects: https://blog.pal-robotics.com/new-case-studies-robotics-eu-projects/
- medium.gr, Open Source Common API Framework (CAPIF): https://medium.com/@googler_ram/open-source-common-api-framework-capif-d83762f65563
- Greek Netweek Magazine (in Greek), Dr. Harilaos Koumaras, 5G private networks and the business opportunities that are created for novel and innovative services
- ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine online magazine (in French), Dr. Julien Castet, Immersion aide à l’intégration de la 5G dans les industries
- Startupper Magazine (in Greek), Dr. Harilaos Koumaras: “NCSR Demokritos pioneering activities in 5G research and EU 5G-PPP projects“
- Capital.gr (in Greek) EVOLVED-5G: NCSR “Demokritos” develops 5G for vertical industries: https://www.capital.gr/epixeiriseis/3542068/evolved-5g-to-ekefe-dimokritos-exelissei-to-5g-gia-tis-kathetes-biomixanies
- upv.es (in Spanish), “The European project in which the UPV participates aims to achieve the industrial revolution of the 21st century with smart factories.” http://www.upv.es/noticias-upv/noticia-12983-evolved-5g-es.html?fbclid=IwAR3AiO073hsjB5pSTji9HtxQ-nrjbZzNn4Zb9rxRe133crl0jX39AitQI2k
- unmanned.life, ” Unmanned Life Hits The Factories Of The Future (FoF) Market ” https://unmanned.life/2021/07/unmanned-life-hits-the-factories-of-the-future-fof-market/
- 5GPPP, “EVOLVED-5G builds the first 3GPP NEF Emulator to support SMEs on 5G programmability” https://5g-ppp.eu/evolved-5g-builds-the-first-3gpp-nef-emulator-to-support-smes-on-5g-programmability/
- CORDIS EU research results, “Making strides towards an open and dynamic 5G ecosystem” https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/435466-making-strides-towards-an-open-and-dynamic-5g-ecosystem
- 5GPPP, EVOLVED-5G announces the first release (Release 1.0) of the 3GPP CAPIF Core Function, https://5g-ppp.eu/evolved-5g-announces-the-first-release-release-1-0-of-the-3gpp-capif-core-function/
- xrtoday.com, “EU’s EVOLVED-5G Project to Back Open XR Networks”, https://www.xrtoday.com/mixed-reality/eus-evolved-5g-project-to-back-open-xr-networks/
- aviationweek.com, “How 5G Connectivity Could Make Aircraft Composite Repairs More Efficient”, https://aviationweek.com/mro/emerging-technologies/how-5g-connectivity-could-make-aircraft-composite-repairs-more-efficient
- 5gforum.es, “THE 5G REVOLUTION IN CONNECTED MOBILITY AND INDUSTRY 4.0, AT THE FOURTH DAY OF THE 5G FORUM”, https://www.5gforum.es/en/la-revolucion-del-5g-en-la-movilidad-conectada-y-la-industria-4-0-en-la-cuarta-jornada-del-5g-forum/
- innovationradar.eu, Telefonica, FOGUS Innovations & Services, Open-Source implementation of the 3GPP CAPIF Core Function https://www.innoradar.eu/innovation/47486
- innovationradar.eu, “NCSR DEMOKRITOS”, NEF Emulator utilizing 3GPP’s exposure services https://www.innoradar.eu/innovation/47484
- epixeiro.gr (in Greek), “EVOLVED-5G Accelerator – Applications for the Accelerator Program are now open“
- epixeiro.gr (in Greek), “Envolve: On 8/11 the workshop on how 5G technologies accelerate startups and SMEs“
- mikrofwno.gr (in Greek), INFOLYSiS, “5G, the first step for a new era”
- mikrofwno.gr (in Greek) DEFEA 2023
- Greek Netweek Magazine (in Greek), Dr. Harilaos Koumaras, “New Opportunities in the Development of New Applications”