Tag Archive for: Telefonica

EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023

EVOLVED-5G was present at EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023! The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit built on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. It brought together cutting-edge research and worldrenown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 1300 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, presented and discussed the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 70 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes. EVOLVED-5G reserved a booth, presented accepted conference papers and introduced numerous visitors to the concept and the achievements of our project! Apart from the booth several other activities took place in the context of the conference.

The following list tentatively describes the activities, performed there:

  • “The 3GPP Common API Framework: Open-Source Release and Application Use Cases” Conference paper
  • “5G and B5G NEF exposure capabilities towards an Industrial IoT use case” Conference paper
  • “5G and B5G NEF exposure capabilities towards an Industrial IoT use case” paper presentation by George Makropoulos from NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”
  • “The 3GPP Common API Framework: Open-Source Release and Application Use Cases” paper presentation by Dimitris Tsolkas from Fogus Innovations
  • Pal Robotic’s Video Demo. Find it online here ➢ Telefonica’s Validation Pipeline flow demo video.
  • Overall’s project presentation used at booth.
  • Internet Institute’s live demo
  • EVOLVED-5G project material could also be found at the SNS booth of EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023.

Find the overview of the conference by the organization here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1yW5vo2w1M

Offering the 3GPP Common API Framework as Microservice to Vertical Industries” Paper Presentation at EuCNC 2022

Alejandro Molina Sanchez from Telefonica presented the EVOLVED-5G conference paper entitled “Offering the 3GPP Common API Framework as Microservice to Vertical Industries” on June 9th 2022. The 3GPP Common API Framework (CAPIF) has been standardized to guarantee a unique reference model for API-based service provisioning in 3GPP systems. The great potential of such framework is currently revealed due to the need for interaction between vertical industries and mobile networks. Towards realizing the above-mentioned interaction, we describe key functional aspects of CAPIF by focusing on related functional entities and APIs. In addition, we implemented the CAPIF Core Function, i.e., the main entity of CAPIF, as an effort to set the basis for an ecosystem where developers from vertical industries can easily develop network-interacting applications. To facilitate any further contribution in the area, our CAPIF implementation follows the principles of microservice programming, and it is released (open source) together with a set of evaluation tests. The paper has been created by Alejandro Molina Sanchez (Telefónica I+D, Spain); Anastasios-Stavros Charismiadis and Dimitris Tsolkas (Fogus Innovations & Services, Greece); David Artuñedo Guillen (Telefónica, Spain); Javier Garcia Rodrigo (Telefónica I+D, Spain).

5G Forum 2022

EVOLVED-5G project, took part in the 5G FORUM 2022 through a dedicated special session entitled “EVOLVED-5G & 5G USE CASES INNOVATION”. In this special session organized by EVOLVED-5G on the fourth day of the forum on 12th of May three dedicated presentations took place. Telefonica and University of Malaga represented EVOLVED-5G with the presentations entitled ” “EVOLVED-5G CAPIF core function”, along with other 5G uses cases that TID is implementing also with UMA in Málaga.”, “EVOLVED-5G Netapp ecosystem, 5G programmability and the Netapp lifecycle” and “EVOLVED-5G agricultural use case and Netapp ” to demonstrate that EVOLVED-5G activities go even beyond i4.0.