Tag Archive for: FOGUS

European SME Expertise in 5G and Beyond 2023

The 6G-IA, which is proud to have more than 110 SME members, is driving 6G research in Europe. Together with the European Commission, the 6G-IA is running the 6G Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS-JU). This major research program will invest at least 1.8 billion Euros over its eight-year timeframe and aims to bring technological leadership to Europe in the vital area of 6G. In the context of the SNS-JU and the previous 5G research program 5G-PPP, the 6G-IA has been active in trying to ensure a high SME participation. This has become a key goal of both partnerships because SMEs are recognized as the catalyst for innovation. Their ability for “out of the box” thinking and their agility to rapidly develop and test ideas in multiple sectors, have been important assets in the industrial digitization of the so-called vertical industries. Joining forces between SMEs and the key ICT companies has been one of the key factors driving the overall success of the 5G PPP programme.

Find more information and our partners participation here.

Common API framework at mobileeurope.co.uk

The New ETSI group to build on 3GPP’s Common API framework has been featured in the mobileeurope website. You may find more information online here:https://www.mobileeurope.co.uk/new-etsi-group-to-build-on-3gpps-common-api-framework/

FOGUS Network Application

The Fogus Innovations 5G add-on application extends the capabilities of a Security Information and Event Management system to include 5G devices in the monitoring process. The application was successfully deployed and tested at Athens 5G platform in NCSR Demokritos campus by FOGUS and NCSRD partners on Thursday 23rd March 2023. Learn more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zb6SHLP7Uk

“5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation” at Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks book

George Makropoulos, Dimitrios Fragkos, Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications), Nancy Alonistioti (Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and KapodistrianUniversity of Athens, Alexandros Kaloxylos (University of Peloponnese), Vaios Koumaras, Theoni Dounia, Christos Sakkas (INFOLYSiS), Dimitris Tsolkas (FOGUS),
created the “5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation”, Chapter (6), at the Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks book.
Modern communication technologies such as 5G and 6G and the industrial internet of things have important attributes to meet the requirements of industries, and with the rapid development of the fourth industrial revolution and beyond, it is unavoidable that these will fulfill the necessary requirements of this important part of modernization.
Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks ranges from the application of recently ratified communication standards, theoretical knowledge that provides tangible insight for understanding the principles of operation, design, implementation, and planning, to the outcomes from deployment of industrial projects. Covering topics such as 5G network programmability, industry policies, and optical networking technologies, this premier reference source is a valuable resource for computer scientists, IT specialists, industry consultants and professionals, business leaders, libraries, students, researchers, and academicians.
You may learn more here: https://www.igi-global.com/book/industrial-applications-internet-things-networks/276938

5GPPP Technical Board Meeting

Dimitris Tsolkas (Fogus Innovations) Deputy technical manager of EVOLVED-5G project presented “EVOLVED-5G Network Applications Ecosystem” and “CAPIF release 2” during 5GPPP TB in Vouliagmeni, Greece on October 6th 2022!


EVOLVED-5G announces the Second release (Release 2.0) of the 3GPP CAPIF Core Function, developed by project partners: Telefonica Spain
Telefonica and Fogus Innovations and Services. 

The APIs included in release 2.0 are:

  • CAPIF Events API
  • CAPIF Provider Management API
  • TLS Enabled
  • Minor bug fixes

You may find the code here:

Offering the 3GPP Common API Framework as Microservice to Vertical Industries” Paper Presentation at EuCNC 2022

Alejandro Molina Sanchez from Telefonica presented the EVOLVED-5G conference paper entitled “Offering the 3GPP Common API Framework as Microservice to Vertical Industries” on June 9th 2022. The 3GPP Common API Framework (CAPIF) has been standardized to guarantee a unique reference model for API-based service provisioning in 3GPP systems. The great potential of such framework is currently revealed due to the need for interaction between vertical industries and mobile networks. Towards realizing the above-mentioned interaction, we describe key functional aspects of CAPIF by focusing on related functional entities and APIs. In addition, we implemented the CAPIF Core Function, i.e., the main entity of CAPIF, as an effort to set the basis for an ecosystem where developers from vertical industries can easily develop network-interacting applications. To facilitate any further contribution in the area, our CAPIF implementation follows the principles of microservice programming, and it is released (open source) together with a set of evaluation tests. The paper has been created by Alejandro Molina Sanchez (Telefónica I+D, Spain); Anastasios-Stavros Charismiadis and Dimitris Tsolkas (Fogus Innovations & Services, Greece); David Artuñedo Guillen (Telefónica, Spain); Javier Garcia Rodrigo (Telefónica I+D, Spain).

EVOLVED-5G CAPIF Core Function announced in the 5GPPP website

EVOLVED-5G project 3GPP CAPIF’s Core Function has been announced in the 5GPPP website. You may access it online here: https://5g-ppp.eu/evolved-5g-announces-the-first-release-release-1-0-of-the-3gpp-capif-core-function/

EVOLVED-5G announces the first release (Release 1.0) of the 3GPP CAPIF Core Function

EVOLVED-5G announces the first release (Release 1.0) of the 3GPP CAPIF Core Function, developed by project partners: Telefonica I+D and Fogus Innovations & Services P.C.

To avoid duplication and inconsistency of approach between the various API specifications that 3GPP has released, the development of a common API framework (CAPIF) has been considered. CAPIF includes common aspects applicable to any northbound service APIs. As such, it is a complete 3GPP API framework that covers functionality related to: on-board and off-board API invokers, register and release APIs that need to be exposed, discovering APIs by third entities, as well as authorization and authentication. CAPIF functionality is considered as a cornerstone in the realization of 5G openness, since it allows secure exposure of 5G core APIs to third party domains, and also, enables third parties to define and expose their own APIs. Indeed, CAPIF has become already a fundamental feature for the 3GPP SA6, targeting the interaction of Verticals with the 5G system. More precisely, CAPIF compliance is required in i) the development of Vertical Application Enablers (VAEs) for various industries (V2X, Factories of the Future, etc.), ii) the realization of the Service Enabled Architecture Layer (SEAL), as well as iii) the implementation of the service side of Edge Computing services.

More Details:

Repository:  https://github.com/EVOLVED-5G/CAPIF_API_Services

Related Documentation: PDF

“An open source 5G experimentation testbed” Conference Paper Presentation

EVOLVED-5G partners presented the conference paper entitled “An open source 5G experimentation testbed” on the context of IEEE MeditCom 2021 which took place in Athens on 7-10 September 2021.