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Progress Monitoring Report (PMR) for 2022 – August 2023

This document reports the progress achieved by the 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP)1 during 2022. For reasons of completeness, the document briefly presents the overall 5G PPP framework (Annexes 1 & 2). It also analyses the activities that were performed under this framework either by the 5G Initiative (i.e., 5G PPP Projects, 5G PPP working groups, Steering and Technology Boards) or the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6GIA) 2 , i.e., Verticals Engagement Task Force, 6G-IA working groups and specific activities. Detailed information can be found in Annexes 3 through 6. Furthermore, it presents the results for several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a) a common set of KPIs (i.e., mobilised private investments, new skills/job profiles, impact on the SMEs, Significant innovations), b) specific KPIs for the 5G PPP in terms of network performance, business and societal aspects and c) the contribution to 5G PPP Programme-level KPIs. Detailed information about this topic can also be found in Annexes 7 through 9. Finally, the document provides a qualitative analysis about the outlook and the lessons learnt and provides some recommendations about the workplan for the following years. Please note, that some of the reported information relates to data collected through specific Questionnaires. The current report contains some information taken from questionnaires released and processed during 2022.

6G-IA White Paper “5G and Beyond 5G Ecosystem Business Modelling”

This white paper describes approaches to business modelling in the context of 5G and beyond 5G ecosystems. It first explains how the disaggregated and modular 5G and beyond 5G technologies enable a dynamic business ecosystem with a higher number of interdependent actor roles, actors, and business relationships. This leads to the challenge to identify and design sustainable business models in a highly dynamic and complex business environment.  The white paper proposes a methodology composed of five steps for how to carry out business modelling, catering for the perspectives of all actors.

The approach described in this white paper embraces existing insight from different analytic approaches such as the concepts of ecosystems, value networks, business and sustainability model canvassing, and the application thereof in many recent 5G projects. The projects, represented by their experts, serve as a source for inspiration and validate our stepwise model. In addition, contributors to the white paper have willingly shared insights from approaches they apply in their respective organizations. Finally, we present systematically how their business modelling is aligned with the five steps in our suggested approach.

Find the white paper along with EVOLVED-5G contributions here: https://zenodo.org/record/7640478#.ZG2-f3ZBxD8

6G SNS Association

The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) is the voice of European Industry and Research for next generation networks and services. Its primary objective is to contribute to Europe’s leadership on 5G, beyond 5G and SNS/6G research. The 6G-IA represents the private side in both the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) and the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU). In the 5G-PPP and SNS JU, the European Commission represents the public side. The 6G-IA brings together a global industry community of telecoms & digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, verticals, SMEs and ICT associations. The 6G-IA carries out a wide range of activities in strategic areas including standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technology skills, collaboration with key vertical industry sectors, notably for the development of trials, and international cooperation. For more details: https://6g-ia.eu/news/