Tag Archive for: NCSRD
Common API framework at mobileeurope.co.uk
/in NewsThe New ETSI group to build on 3GPP’s Common API framework has been featured in the mobileeurope website. You may find more information online here:https://www.mobileeurope.co.uk/new-etsi-group-to-build-on-3gpps-common-api-framework/
CSCN 2023
/in NewsGeorge Makropoulos from NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” presented on November, the EVOLVED-5G papers entitled “Exploiting Core Openness as Native-AI Enabler for Optimized UAV Flight Path Selection” and “A Chatbot Assistant for Optimizing the Fault Detection and Diagnostics of Industry 4.0 Equipment in the 6G era”. The paper was presented in the context of IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN 2023).
“5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation” at Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks book
/in NewsGeorge Makropoulos, Dimitrios Fragkos, Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications), Nancy Alonistioti (Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and KapodistrianUniversity of Athens, Alexandros Kaloxylos (University of Peloponnese), Vaios Koumaras, Theoni Dounia, Christos Sakkas (INFOLYSiS), Dimitris Tsolkas (FOGUS),
created the “5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation”, Chapter (6), at the Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks book.
Modern communication technologies such as 5G and 6G and the industrial internet of things have important attributes to meet the requirements of industries, and with the rapid development of the fourth industrial revolution and beyond, it is unavoidable that these will fulfill the necessary requirements of this important part of modernization.
Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks ranges from the application of recently ratified communication standards, theoretical knowledge that provides tangible insight for understanding the principles of operation, design, implementation, and planning, to the outcomes from deployment of industrial projects. Covering topics such as 5G network programmability, industry policies, and optical networking technologies, this premier reference source is a valuable resource for computer scientists, IT specialists, industry consultants and professionals, business leaders, libraries, students, researchers, and academicians.
You may learn more here: https://www.igi-global.com/book/industrial-applications-internet-things-networks/276938
EVOLVED-5G, 8th Plenary Meeting
/in NewsThe 8th Plenary Meeting of the EVOLVED-5G took place on Athens from the 14th of March up to 16th of March. This 3-day plenary meeting took place in both NCSR “Demokritos” and COSMOTE (OTE Academy) premises in Athens. It was a very successful meeting as the partners had the chance to discuss the technical status of the project along with upcoming activities. Also, the participation at the upcoming EuCNC 2023 & 6G Summit was thoroughly discussed.
INFOLYSIS Intent-driven chatbot deployment
/in NewsINFOLYSIS Intent driven chatbot, for precise maintenance in 5G-enabled Industry 4.0 environment, was successfully deployed and tested at Athens 5G platform in NCSR Demokritos campus by INFOLYSIS and NCSRD partners on Wednesday 7th December 2022. You may find the video online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVv31peghso&t=3s
GMI Anita 4.0 deployment tests at NCSRD Athens 5G platform Video
/in NewsThe video from GMIs ANITA 4.0 deployment at NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”‘s Campus is now available! Anita 4.0 and Amarisoft were successfully deployed and tested at Athens 5G platform in NCSR Demokritos campus by GMI and NCSRD partners on Tuesday 6th December 2022You may find it online at the project’s YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMChNeUY7S8&t=79s
InfoCom World 2022 video
/in NewsThe video from presentations of EVOLVED-5G during InfoCom 2022 is now available. In this video you may find Mr. Nikolalos Vrionis from INFOLYSiS and Mr. Dimitrios Fragkos from NCSR DEMOKRITOS presenting “Internet-driven Chatbots for Precise Maintenance in 5G-enabled Industry 4.0 Environments” and “5G Network Programmability and Openness: A first Step towards 6G with native-AI capabilities” respectively. The video is available online here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kmkJpQJqv8 . EVOLVED-5G presentations start at 6:19:30.
5G Network Programmability and Openness: A first Step towards 6G with native-AI capabilities” presentation during IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking 2022
/in NewsHarilaos Koumaras EVOLVED-5G technical manager, presented “5G Network Programmability and Openness: A first Step towards 6G with native-AI capabilities” at IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking which took place on Thessaloniki, Greece on 28-30 November 2022. IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN 2022) will deliver a rich technical program discussing the future of mobile communications systems, offering distinguished Keynotes, Panels, Tutorials and Technical Sessions. The Technical Sessions will consist of technical papers reviewed and selected by an international technical program committee representing both academia and industry, with a strong standardization background. IEEE CSCN 2022 will be an excellent networking and publicity event with strong presence of industry, offering the opportunity for academics and industrial people to meet and exchange ideas and information. This is indeed one of the main objectives of the conference. IEEE CSCN 2022 will be also a platform for presenting and discussing standards-related topics in the areas of communications, networking, cloud computing, and related disciplines, facilitating standards development as well as cooperation among the key players.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEEE CSCN 2022 conference will run in hybrid mode (i.e., using remote audio/video support and as an in-person event). The event will be collocated with the IEEE Standards Thessaloniki Summit 2022 with participation from all Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs). Furthermore, another 3 events will be collocated, an Industrial Workshop with Industrial Demos and Presentations, an IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Training on Standards/Standardization and a Mini YP/Students/Early Stage Researchers Forum.
Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond
Call: H2020-ICT-2018-2020
Topic: ICT-41-2020
Type of action: Innovation Action
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1 January 2021