Tag Archive for: conference

3GPP SA6 Meeting

During 3GPP SA6 last November, EVOLVED-5G project was mentioned during 3GPP presentation as a CAPIF adoption & promotion initiative.
This is an exceptional recognition from the 3GPP community about the project’s contribution in embracing CAPIF!

“5G and B5G NEF exposure capabilities towards an Industrial IoT use case” Conference Paper

EVOLVED-5G conference paper entitled “5G and B5G NEF exposure capabilities towards an Industrial IoT use case” is now available!
Given the large amount of data usage and diverse business models in the current market, 5G and B5G networks are forecasted to manage and support a variety of new business solutions with respect to high-performance needs, while also allowing existing services to be enhanced and optimized. One effective way to accomplish this is by fully utilizing the network’s openness and programmability in terms of both business and technical level coordination. A cornerstone to the above mentioned premise is the implementation of the Network Exposure Function (NEF) interfaces that are required in order for NEF to expose the standardized APIs. In this context, the paper presents the concept of network exposure via a simulation tool that enables application developers to experiment with the northbound APIs under a simulated and configurable environment. Moreover, the required software that interacts with the exposed APIs, namely the Network Application, is introduced and validated on top of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) use case, which falls under the scope of the Factory of the Future and Industry 4.0 concept.

Find it online here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10188241

IWAPS 2023 Co-organised Workshop

EVOLVED-5G project co-organizes the “3rd International Workshop on Advances on Privacy Preserving Technologies and Solutions” IWAPS 2023, in the context of #ARES 2023. The ARES conference will take place in Benevento, Italy during August 29 – September 01, 2023 period.

The Call for Papers deadline is on 31st of May!

This workshop aims to strengthen security and privacy through research and relevant activities in the models and design of secure, privacy-preserving and trust architectures, investments in cyber-defense, data analyses, fusion platforms, protocols, algorithms, services, and applications for next generation systems and solutions. We especially encourage security and privacy solutions that employ innovative machine learning techniques to tackle the issues of inspecting large data volumes, cyberattacks, and variety problems that are systemic in IoT platforms, theoretical and practical challenges related to the design of privacy-preserving AI systems and algorithms and will have strong multidisciplinary components, including soliciting contributions about policy, legal issues, and societal impact of privacy and affect the cyber risk of the participating entities.

You may learn all the related information here: https://www.ares-conference.eu/workshops/iwaps-2023/

The NetApps Certification Environment for 5G and beyond Vertical Ecosystems: The EVOLVED-5G Approach, Conference Paper at IEEE GLOBECOM 2022

The conference paper entitled “The NetApps Certification Environment for 5G and beyond Vertical Ecosystems: The EVOLVED-5G Approach” has been accepted in the IEEE GLOBECOM 2022.

Certification is the means to promote excellence through adherence to best practices, and ensure the appropriate security and transparency, in alignment to regulations set by the market and (various levels of) administrations. In the mobile telecommunications domain, certification for the radio equipment and user terminals has been a fundamental practice. With the 3GPP5G specifications, a novel core network (5GC) model comes to promote dynamic, open 5G services and enable network programmability through standard APIs unlocking the network intelligence to the vertical application needs. A consequence of this “openness” is the mandate for supplements in the established practices of the mobile network operators (MNOs) to include beyond device also software conformance and quality assessment certification. This study describes the work carried out by EU Horizon 2020 EVOLVED-5G project, to define the relevant certification framework for the NetApps, a novel concept introduced as an enabler for the 5G adoption from the vertical industries. The paper goes beyond the definition of the key constructs for the appropriate certification creation process, and explores the technical characteristics of the execution environment to support the certification auditing in an effective, automated and repeatable manner.

You may find the paper here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10008597

5G Network Programmability and Openness: A first Step towards 6G with native-AI capabilities” presentation during IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking 2022

Harilaos Koumaras EVOLVED-5G technical manager, presented “5G Network Programmability and Openness: A first Step towards 6G with native-AI capabilities” at IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking which took place on Thessaloniki, Greece on 28-30 November 2022. IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN 2022) will deliver a rich technical program discussing the future of mobile communications systems, offering distinguished Keynotes, Panels, Tutorials and Technical Sessions. The Technical Sessions will consist of technical papers reviewed and selected by an international technical program committee representing both academia and industry, with a strong standardization background. IEEE CSCN 2022 will be an excellent networking and publicity event with strong presence of industry, offering the opportunity for academics and industrial people to meet and exchange ideas and information. This is indeed one of the main objectives of the conference. IEEE CSCN 2022 will be also a platform for presenting and discussing standards-related topics in the areas of communications, networking, cloud computing, and related disciplines, facilitating standards development as well as cooperation among the key players.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEEE CSCN 2022 conference will run in hybrid mode (i.e., using remote audio/video support and as an in-person event). The event will be collocated with the IEEE Standards Thessaloniki Summit 2022 with participation from all Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs). Furthermore, another 3 events will be collocated, an Industrial Workshop with Industrial Demos and Presentations, an IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Training on Standards/Standardization and a Mini YP/Students/Early Stage Researchers Forum.

“Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond – EVOLVED-5G” presentation at IEEE MeditCom 2022

Dr. Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”),EVOLVED-5G Technical Manager took part and presented “Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond – EVOLVED-5G” at workshop WS2 “NetApps into Beyond 5G and 6G Networks” in the context of IEEE MeditCom 2022. The presentation took place on 5th of September in Athens, greece. You may learn more about the event here: https://meditcom2022.ieee-meditcom.org/

“Network Programmability Framework for Vertical Applications in the Beyond 5G Era” Paper Presentation at EuCNC 2022

Harilaos Koumaras EVOLVED-5G technical manager presented the conference paper entitled “Network Programmability Framework for Vertical Applications in the Beyond 5G Era on June 9th 2022. Programmability in 5G Core (5GC) enables operators to open telecom network capabilities and services to third-party developers, allowing them to establish innovative network-aware vertical applications. This openness is materialized through the 5G Service Based Architecture (SBA) that exposes the network intelligence to the vertical applications through standardized Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Building upon the application empowerment that the programmable APIs can offer unleashing new business potentials, the ecosystem of Network Applications (NetApps) emerges to stand as a facilitating middle-ware between the network and applications. This study presents the architectural and implementation aspects of an open all-encompassing framework for NetApps considering their entire spanning from their development to their final publication in the market. The paper has been created by Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR Demokritos, Greece); Dimitris Tsolkas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece); Javier Garcia Rodrigo (Telefónica I+D, Spain); David Artuñedo Guillen (Telefónica, Spain); Bruno Garcia (University of Malaga, Spain); Ricardo Marco (Atos Spain, Spain); Apostolis K. Salkintzis (Motorola, Greece); Dimitrios Fragkos (National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD) & University of Peloponnese, Greece); Georgios Makropoulos (NCSR Demokritos, Greece); Fotini Setaki (COSMOTE Mobile Telecommunications S.A. Greece, Greece); Almudena Diaz Zayas and Pedro Merino (University of Malaga, Spain); Vaios Koumaras (INFOLYSiS P. C., Greece); Paula Encinar Sanz (Atos Spain, Spain); Yannis Karadimas (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens & Maggioli Spa, Greece).

Offering the 3GPP Common API Framework as Microservice to Vertical Industries” Paper Presentation at EuCNC 2022

Alejandro Molina Sanchez from Telefonica presented the EVOLVED-5G conference paper entitled “Offering the 3GPP Common API Framework as Microservice to Vertical Industries” on June 9th 2022. The 3GPP Common API Framework (CAPIF) has been standardized to guarantee a unique reference model for API-based service provisioning in 3GPP systems. The great potential of such framework is currently revealed due to the need for interaction between vertical industries and mobile networks. Towards realizing the above-mentioned interaction, we describe key functional aspects of CAPIF by focusing on related functional entities and APIs. In addition, we implemented the CAPIF Core Function, i.e., the main entity of CAPIF, as an effort to set the basis for an ecosystem where developers from vertical industries can easily develop network-interacting applications. To facilitate any further contribution in the area, our CAPIF implementation follows the principles of microservice programming, and it is released (open source) together with a set of evaluation tests. The paper has been created by Alejandro Molina Sanchez (Telefónica I+D, Spain); Anastasios-Stavros Charismiadis and Dimitris Tsolkas (Fogus Innovations & Services, Greece); David Artuñedo Guillen (Telefónica, Spain); Javier Garcia Rodrigo (Telefónica I+D, Spain).

EVOLVED-5G’s NetApp for Verticals Session in EuCNC 2022

Harilaos Koumaras EVOLVED-5G technical manager presented the nature and the NetApp architecture of the EVOLVED-5G in the NetApp for Verticals Session of EuCNC 2022 on June 8, 2022. The session focused on discussing how NetApp empowers the verticals on-boarding on 5G and reinforce the fact that 5G is a platform and not a pipe. Different actors from diverse vertical domains will share their design and their interaction with the 5G platform owner. Through this session, we target to capture the take of the community on the level of interaction and trust that NetApp should support, the way services are provided to verticals, how NetApp simplifies the implementation and deployment of vertical systems at large scale etc.

NEFSim: An Open Experimentation Framework Utilizing 3GPP’s Exposure Services” Paper Presentation at EuCNC 2022

Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “DEMOKRITOS”) EVOLVED-5G’s Technical Manager presented the conference paper entitled “NEFSim: An Open Experimentation Framework Utilizing 3GPP’s Exposure Services” in the context of Session 8 of EUCNC 2022. Network Exposure Function (NEF) enables third-party application providers utilize the network capabilities and services that the 5G System offers. The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) provides open standardized Application programming Interfaces (API) through NEF; however, a big gap appears in the market between mobile operators and service providers since no commercial solutions are available. In this context, the NEF’s standardized APIs offered by 3GPP are examined. As a result of this analysis an open-source simulator “NEFSim” is presented. NEFSim realizes the aspects of the NEF and enables application developers to experiment with the northbound APIs under a simulated, configurable environment. The paper has been created by Dimitrios Fragkos (National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD) & University of Peloponnese, Greece), Georgios Makropoulos, Anastasios Gogos and Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR Demokritos, Greece), Alexandros Kaloxylos (University of Peloponnese, Greece & The 5GIA, Belgium).