Tag Archive for: MeditCom

5GPPP Newsflash Issue 71

The latest issue of the 5GPPP newsflash is now available (Issue 71)!

In this issue you may find information about activities related to 5G projects across Europe. You may also find details, about EVOLVED-5G’s participation in IEEE MeditCom 2022. Find it online here: https://5g-ppp.eu/newsflash-december-2022/

“B5G programmability and NetApps Enablers for XR and Metaverse new business opportunities” presentation at IEEE MeditCom 2022

Dr. Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”),EVOLVED-5G Technical Manager took part and presented “B5G programmability and NetApps Enablers for XR and Metaverse new business opportunities” at Panel P1. “6G Enablers for Extended Reality and the Metaverse” of IEEE MeditCom 2022. The presentation took place on 5th of September in Athens, greece. You may learn more about the event here: https://meditcom2022.ieee-meditcom.org/

“Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond – EVOLVED-5G” presentation at IEEE MeditCom 2022

Dr. Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”),EVOLVED-5G Technical Manager took part and presented “Experimentation and Validation Openness for Long-term evolution of VErtical inDustries in 5G era and beyond – EVOLVED-5G” at workshop WS2 “NetApps into Beyond 5G and 6G Networks” in the context of IEEE MeditCom 2022. The presentation took place on 5th of September in Athens, greece. You may learn more about the event here: https://meditcom2022.ieee-meditcom.org/

Call for Demos IEEE MeditCom 2021 Demo track

Please consider submitting your demo paper at the IEEE MeditCom 2021 Demo session co-chaired by Dr. Harilaos Koumaras (NCSRD partner). Submissions should be a two-page proposal summary that follows the IEEE formatting guidelines: refer to the IEEE submission instructions for details. Be as specific as possible in describing what you will demonstrate or display as demo. Summaries of accepted demos will be included in the IEEE MeditCom 2021 Proceedings. Accepted and presented summaries will be submitted to IEEE Xplore®. You may find more information here: https://meditcom2021.ieee-meditcom.org/authors/call-for-demos/


Two-page demo descriptions/proposal: 15 April 2021
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2021