Tag Archive for: meeting

EVOLVED-5G 11th Plenary Meeting

The 11th plenary meeting of EVOLVED-5G took place earlier today. This time, partners met online to discuss the current status of the project and set the pace for the final period.

EVOLVED-5G Review preparation meeting in Madrid

For the first time, in the COVID-19 era EVOLVED-5G partners met face-to-face in Madrid for the review preparations. The meeting started on 10th of May and lasted two days (10-11 May 2022). The partners had the chance to talk about the progress of the project and work package related activities. Group photos were taken this time in the traditional way. At the first EVOLVED-5G face-to-face meeting the partners had the chance to test some opportunities of a Mixed Reality environment through the augmented reality headset of Immersion.

EVOLVED-5G 5th GA meeting

The 5th EVOLVED-5G GA meeting took place virtually on 5-7 April. The partners met online and discussed all the about the progress of the project. The first day of the meeting the discussion was about technical status and validation and certification mechanisms. On the second day, the meeting continued with more work package activities. The meeting ended in the third and final day when partners discussed about communication, dissemination, community building activities and upcoming plans. Group photos from the consortium members were also taken in a rather virtual and remote way.

Kick-off Meeting

EVOLVED-5G has officially started! The Kick-off Meeting took place on 20 & 21 of January. During these two days, partners set the guidelines of the project and discussed about its pilots and its use cases. The best is yet to come. Stay Tuned!