EVOLVED-5G Accelerator Call for Expression of Interest

EVOLVED-5G (https://evolved-5g.eu/) consortium is calling for SMEs and Start-ups from Europe to apply for the EVOLVED-5G Acceleration Program,  which will help them turn their products/services into scalable businesses by adapting new digital technologies and 5G applications. 20 entrepreneurs and start-ups will be selected to join the 5-month program, starting in January 2023. The EVOLVED-5G consortium through an intensive capacity building program will support its participants, by providing them training and advanced business support, coaching on funding opportunities, technical assistance, and business networking to grow their ventures and expand them across the EU.

Applications are open until Friday, February 3rd 2023.

The EVOLVED-5G Project is funded by the EU under the Horizon 2020 Programme, counting 21 partners from 10 countries.