Tag Archive for: UMA

“Implementation and evaluation of the Multi-connection Tactile Internet Protocol and API”

EVOLVED-5G partners from UMA submitted a conference paper entitled “Implementation and evaluation of the Multi-connection Tactile Internet Protocol and API” in the Next-Generation Tactile Internet (FlexNGIA 2022) of IEEE Communications Society. In this paper you may learn about how tactile Internet defines applications for remotely controlling and manipulating critical devices that require perceived real-time operation with additional demanding requirements like reliability. These use cases with stringent requirements demand adequate transport protocols to take advantage of the underlying possibilities. Traditional transport-layer solutions like TCP and UDP are no longer sufficient, hence novel protocols are being developed to support these applications. In this paper, we present an implementation and evaluation of the Multi-connection Tactile Internet Protocol (MTIP), a transport layer proposal to support these communications. MTIP uses application and network status information to perform an intelligent selection of paths in order to improve reliability and latency. In our evaluations, we study how the different configurations of the MTIP algorithm affect this selection and we see a direct trade-off where, with more restrictive thresholds, MTIP can increase the packets received correctly at the cost of sending extra duplicate packets. You may learn more about the paper here: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1647527&dswid=7895. You may also find information about the event here: https://www.flexngia.net/workshop-flexngia-2022

“Towards Zero Touch Configuration of 5G Non-Public Networks for Time Sensitive Networking” Accepted paper

EVOLVED-5G partners from UMA submitted a journal paper entitled “Towards Zero Touch Configuration of 5G Non-Public Networks for Time Sensitive Networking ” in the IEEE Network Magazine (Volume: 36, Issue: 2) , Special issue: New Network Architectures, Protocols and Algorithms for the Time-Sensitive Applications. The paper was accepted and is available here: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9785739

Briefly the scope of the paper is to express “the need to increase mobility and remove cables in industrial environments is pushing 5G as a valuable communication system to connect traditional deterministic Ethernet-based devices. One alternative is the adoption of Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards over 5G Non-Public Networks (5G NPN) deployed in the company premises. This scenario presents several challenges, the most relevant being the configuration of the 5G part to provide latency, reliability and throughput balance suitable to ensure that all the TSN traffic can be delivered on time. Our research work addresses this problem from the perspective of automata learning. Our aim is to learn from the live network to build a smart controller that can dynamically predict and apply a suitable configuration of the 5G NPN to satisfy the requirements of the current TSN traffic. The article presents the main ideas of this novel approach.”

5G Forum 2022

EVOLVED-5G project, took part in the 5G FORUM 2022 through a dedicated special session entitled “EVOLVED-5G & 5G USE CASES INNOVATION”. In this special session organized by EVOLVED-5G on the fourth day of the forum on 12th of May three dedicated presentations took place. Telefonica and University of Malaga represented EVOLVED-5G with the presentations entitled ” “EVOLVED-5G CAPIF core function”, along with other 5G uses cases that TID is implementing also with UMA in Málaga.”, “EVOLVED-5G Netapp ecosystem, 5G programmability and the Netapp lifecycle” and “EVOLVED-5G agricultural use case and Netapp ” to demonstrate that EVOLVED-5G activities go even beyond i4.0.

EVOLVED-5G first technical tests

The University of Malaga and CAFA Tech teams conducted the first Technical Tests on the campus of the University of Malaga on April 26-28 2022. The aim was to test the connection of a CAFA Robot onboard 5G modem to 5G NSA (Non-Standalone) and SA (Stand-Alone) networks and 4K video streaming over 5G NSA and SA networks directly to the CAFA Video Safety Analysis Application (vApp) running on the University of Malaga platform. 4K video streaming worked over both the 5G NSA and the SA and a number of advances have also been made in the video analysis vApp deployment. You may learn more information here (attached pdf). You may also find the trials in the EVOLVED-5G YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VyKktkykek

5G FORUM 2022

EVOLVED-5G project will take part in the 5G FORUM 2022 through a dedicated special session entitled “EVOLVED-5G & 5G USE CASES INNOVATION”. In this special session organized by EVOLVED-5G on the fourth day of the forum on 12th of May three dedicated presentations will take place.

David Antunedo from Telefonica will present the “EVOLVED-5G CAPIF core function”, along with other 5G uses cases that TID is implementing also with UMA in Málaga. Bruno Garcia from University of Malaga will present the “EVOLVED-5G Netapp ecosystem, 5G programmability and the NetApp lifecycle” and Almudena Diaz from University of Malaga will present the “EVOLVED-5G agricultural use case and Netapp ” to demonstrate that EVOLVED-5G activities go even beyond i4.0.

You may find the agenda here: https://www.5gforum.es/web/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022_5G_AGENDA_DIA-4_JUEVES-12-MAYO.pdf

You may access more information about the event here: https://www.5gforum.es/