Tag Archive for: verticals

EVOLVED-5G’s NetApp for Verticals Session in EuCNC 2022

Harilaos Koumaras EVOLVED-5G technical manager presented the nature and the NetApp architecture of the EVOLVED-5G in the NetApp for Verticals Session of EuCNC 2022 on June 8, 2022. The session focused on discussing how NetApp empowers the verticals on-boarding on 5G and reinforce the fact that 5G is a platform and not a pipe. Different actors from diverse vertical domains will share their design and their interaction with the 5G platform owner. Through this session, we target to capture the take of the community on the level of interaction and trust that NetApp should support, the way services are provided to verticals, how NetApp simplifies the implementation and deployment of vertical systems at large scale etc.

5GPPP Webinar: “5G Innovations for Verticals”

David Artuñedo from Telefonica will participate in the 5GPPP Webinar: “5G Innovations for Verticals”. This webinar will introduce to the 5GPPP community new projects such as EVOLVED-5G. There will be a presentation showcasing the main pilots, the objectives and the goals of our project. More information and registration form available here: https://5g-ppp.eu/event/5g-ppp-webinar-5g-innovations-for-verticals/?fbclid=IwAR3SrTLw_UwZPNMFm_E8Bh7DuRonGcT9V8ny5f8eQAds4VPrzQ6J3JbBsvI