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EVOLVED-5G first technical tests

The University of Malaga and CAFA Tech teams conducted the first Technical Tests on the campus of the University of Malaga on April 26-28 2022. The aim was to test the connection of a CAFA Robot onboard 5G modem to 5G NSA (Non-Standalone) and SA (Stand-Alone) networks and 4K video streaming over 5G NSA and SA networks directly to the CAFA Video Safety Analysis Application (vApp) running on the University of Malaga platform. 4K video streaming worked over both the 5G NSA and the SA and a number of advances have also been made in the video analysis vApp deployment. You may learn more information here (attached pdf). You may also find the trials in the EVOLVED-5G YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VyKktkykek