Tag Archive for: SME

Find the SME new Brochure

The new “Find the SME” brochure is now available! Access it and find familiar enterprises in the catalog. INFOLYSiS, FOGUS, Internet Institute and 8Bells are representing our project. You may find more information available here: https://www.networldeurope.eu/find-the-sme-you-need-new-page/

EVOLVED-5G & 5G-PPP association

EVOLVED-5G is part of 5GPPP! The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5GPPP) is a joint initiative between the European Commission and European ICT industry (ICT manufacturers, telecommunications operators, service providers, SMEs and researcher Institutions). You may learn more here: https://5g-ppp.eu/evolved-5g/


EVOLVED-5G is a EU H2020 project that brings together 21 partners: 3 research and academic institutions, 11 SMEs, 6 industrial partners, and 1 entrepreneurship accelerator, from 10 countries around Europe, namely Spain, France, Greece, Germany Cyprus, Romania, Estonia, Italy, Slovenia and Luxembourg.