Tag Archive for: industry 4.0

“5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation” at Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks book

George Makropoulos, Dimitrios Fragkos, Harilaos Koumaras (NCSR “Demokritos”, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications), Nancy Alonistioti (Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and KapodistrianUniversity of Athens, Alexandros Kaloxylos (University of Peloponnese), Vaios Koumaras, Theoni Dounia, Christos Sakkas (INFOLYSiS), Dimitris Tsolkas (FOGUS),
created the “5G Network Programmability Enabling Industry 4.0 Transformation”, Chapter (6), at the Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks book.
Modern communication technologies such as 5G and 6G and the industrial internet of things have important attributes to meet the requirements of industries, and with the rapid development of the fourth industrial revolution and beyond, it is unavoidable that these will fulfill the necessary requirements of this important part of modernization.
Industrial Applications of the Internet of Things and 5G and 6G Networks ranges from the application of recently ratified communication standards, theoretical knowledge that provides tangible insight for understanding the principles of operation, design, implementation, and planning, to the outcomes from deployment of industrial projects. Covering topics such as 5G network programmability, industry policies, and optical networking technologies, this premier reference source is a valuable resource for computer scientists, IT specialists, industry consultants and professionals, business leaders, libraries, students, researchers, and academicians.
You may learn more here: https://www.igi-global.com/book/industrial-applications-internet-things-networks/276938