Tag Archive for: GMI

GMI & Cosmote Demonstration

On 2nd of August, GMI demonstrated the AERO composites repair physical/digital twin network application at COSMOTE’s research labs. It was not just a leap into the future and a successful dissemination event of the EVOLVED-5G Project.

Special thanks to the GMI AERO team for bringing their impressive ANITA Hot Bonder for the demo from France, and to the FRONT group of NCSR “Demokritos” for their invaluable support for the implementation of the use case in our labs as part of the EVOLVED-5G Project platform validation activities.

Composite Repair Developments Heat Up Aviation’s Aftermarket Article

GMI AERO released an article about their network applications. This article includes Evolved-5G project and how we digitalize composite repair processes using 5G infrastructure. You may access the online article here: https://aviationweek.com/mro/marketplace/composite-repair-developments-heat-aviations-aftermarket