Tag Archive for: GA

EVOLVED-5G 5th GA meeting

The 5th EVOLVED-5G GA meeting took place virtually on 5-7 April. The partners met online and discussed all the about the progress of the project. The first day of the meeting the discussion was about technical status and validation and certification mechanisms. On the second day, the meeting continued with more work package activities. The meeting ended in the third and final day when partners discussed about communication, dissemination, community building activities and upcoming plans. Group photos from the consortium members were also taken in a rather virtual and remote way.

EVOLVED-5G Fourth GA Meeting

The fourth GA meeting (virtual) of EVOLVED-5G took place in the beginning of the New Year and lasted for 3 days! The members of the consortium met up virtually due to to travel restrictions of COVID-19 pandemic. They discussed about the technical overview of the project, communication and dissemination actions and the engagement of the EVOLVED-5G project in the upcoming EUCNC & 6G Summit.