ETSI Software Development Group OpenCAPIF
TSI Software Development Group OpenCAPIF (SDG OCF) is developing an open-source Common API
Framework, as defined by 3GPP, allowing to expose and consume APIs in a secure and consistent way.
The group liaises with relevant standards bodies and projects working on network transformation such as
the 3GPP, TM Forum, ETSI ZSM, ETSI NFV, ETSI MEC, OpenSourceMANO, TeraFlowSDN and OpenSlice.
OpenCAPIF results from EU Research project EVOLVED-5G project. ETSI Members and non-member
organizations join ETSI OpenCAPIF by signing the SDG OCF Agreement. Participation is free for ETSI
members, SMEs, Universities, Public Research Bodies and User and Trade Associations. Individual
Contributors and Users can create an Individual Account. Individual Contributors shall accept the
Individual Contributor License Agreement. You may find out more here: