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Common API framework at mobileeurope.co.uk

The New ETSI group to build on 3GPP’s Common API framework has been featured in the mobileeurope website. You may find more information online here:https://www.mobileeurope.co.uk/new-etsi-group-to-build-on-3gpps-common-api-framework/

InfoCom World 2023

EVOLVED-5G project is at InfoCom World 2023 announcing the EVOLVED-5G Service Pack! Our project is represented by our Technical Managers. This year’s conference focuses on Artificial Intelligence, highlighting its most significant aspects, the value of its applications, and the impact it now has on all vertical markets.


The last EVOLVED-5G newsletter is now available. In this issue you may find all about information for the October – December 2023 period. The Newsletter is available online here: https://evolved-5g.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/EVOLVED-5G-Newsletter-Issue-12.pdf