“A Network Programmability Framework for Vertical Applications in the Beyond 5G Era” paper presentation

Dr. Harilaos Koumaras(NCSR Demokritos) EVOLVED-5G technical manager presented the conference paper entitled “A Network Programmability Framework for Vertical Applications in the Beyond 5G Era” during EUCNC 2022 . You may access the video presentation here:

Interview in Netweek Magazine

EVOLVED-5G technical manager Dr. Harilaos Koumaras from NCSR Demokrtitos gave an interview at the Greek Netweek magazine (May issue) on 5G private networks and the business opportunities that are created for novel and innovative services, making also a special reference to 5G-PPP EVOLVED-5G Project that we are dealing with building the ecosystem that will accelerate this digital transformation for the SMEs and the interested stakeholders.


EVOLVED-5G announces the Second release (Release 2.0) of the 3GPP CAPIF Core Function, developed by project partners: Telefonica Spain
Telefonica and Fogus Innovations and Services. 

The APIs included in release 2.0 are:

  • CAPIF Events API
  • CAPIF Provider Management API
  • TLS Enabled
  • Minor bug fixes

You may find the code here:

Interview in ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine online magazine

Dr. Julien Castet from IMMERSION, EVOLVED-5G partner, gave an interview on ADI Nouvelle-Aquitaine online magazine (in French) giving insights about our project! You may access the article online here: https://www.adi-na.fr/actualites/immersion-aide-a-lintegration-de-la-5g-dans-les-industries.html

ERF2022 in Rotterdam

PAL Robotics represented EVOLVED-5G project in ERF2022 through a booth and demonstration. During this event, visitors had the chance to meet TIAGo robot and see how our project can lead the way towards industry 4.0. You may learn more about the event here: https://erf2022.eu/