5G FORUM 2022

EVOLVED-5G project will take part in the 5G FORUM 2022 through a dedicated special session entitled “EVOLVED-5G & 5G USE CASES INNOVATION”. In this special session organized by EVOLVED-5G on the fourth day of the forum on 12th of May three dedicated presentations will take place.

David Antunedo from Telefonica will present the “EVOLVED-5G CAPIF core function”, along with other 5G uses cases that TID is implementing also with UMA in Málaga. Bruno Garcia from University of Malaga will present the “EVOLVED-5G Netapp ecosystem, 5G programmability and the NetApp lifecycle” and Almudena Diaz from University of Malaga will present the “EVOLVED-5G agricultural use case and Netapp ” to demonstrate that EVOLVED-5G activities go even beyond i4.0.

You may find the agenda here: https://www.5gforum.es/web/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022_5G_AGENDA_DIA-4_JUEVES-12-MAYO.pdf

You may access more information about the event here: https://www.5gforum.es/