EVOLVED-5G presentation by PAL Robotics in Advanced Factories 2022 Booth

At the ADVANCED FACTORIES 2022 congress that focuses on industry 4.0, PAL Robotcs, EVOLVED-5G partner, through their booth had the chance to introduce to visitors the projects that they participate. EVOLVED-5G Project was presented several times as it uses the TIAGo robot in the project with the aim to contribute towards the Industry 4.0. You may learn more about the event here: https://www.advancedfactories.com/en/af-show/

EVOLVED-5G Review preparation meeting in Madrid

For the first time, in the COVID-19 era EVOLVED-5G partners met face-to-face in Madrid for the review preparations. The meeting started on 10th of May and lasted two days (10-11 May 2022). The partners had the chance to talk about the progress of the project and work package related activities. Group photos were taken this time in the traditional way. At the first EVOLVED-5G face-to-face meeting the partners had the chance to test some opportunities of a Mixed Reality environment through the augmented reality headset of Immersion.

PAL Robotics booth in Advanced Factories 2022

EVOLVED-5G partner took place through a booth in the Advanced Factories 2022 on the 29-31 March 2022. Advanced Factories is the annual meeting of industry leaders. Since 2017, year after year, this event has established itself as the industrial trade show where the latest solutions on industrial automation systems, robotics, industrial software, artificial intelligence, artificial vision and virtual simulation solutions , Big Data, IoT, cybersecurity, Industrial Cloud Computing, Machine Learning and all technologies 4.0 associated with digital manufacturing are showcased. You may learn more about the event here: https://www.advancedfactories.com/en/af-show/

5G FORUM 2022

EVOLVED-5G project will take part in the 5G FORUM 2022 through a dedicated special session entitled “EVOLVED-5G & 5G USE CASES INNOVATION”. In this special session organized by EVOLVED-5G on the fourth day of the forum on 12th of May three dedicated presentations will take place.

David Antunedo from Telefonica will present the “EVOLVED-5G CAPIF core function”, along with other 5G uses cases that TID is implementing also with UMA in Málaga. Bruno Garcia from University of Malaga will present the “EVOLVED-5G Netapp ecosystem, 5G programmability and the NetApp lifecycle” and Almudena Diaz from University of Malaga will present the “EVOLVED-5G agricultural use case and Netapp ” to demonstrate that EVOLVED-5G activities go even beyond i4.0.

You may find the agenda here: https://www.5gforum.es/web/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2022_5G_AGENDA_DIA-4_JUEVES-12-MAYO.pdf

You may access more information about the event here: https://www.5gforum.es/

EVOLVED-5G project in EuCNC & 6G Summit 2022!

The 2022 EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC (European Conference on Networks and Communications), supported by the European Commission, and the 6G Summit, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and by the European Association for Signal Processing, and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 1 300 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 70 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes.The conference is intended to be held for in-person attendance, with remote attendance in a Hybrid mode; however, given the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference format may change, since safety and well-being of all conference participants is our top priority. The conference has a not-for-profit organisation, hence, registration fees are as low as possible and all surplus will be made available in grants. Best Papers and Booth Awards will be granted. Accepted and presented papers for regular sessions will be published in the Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

EVOLVED-5G project will be represented through a presentation in the ICT-41 related session and with 3 different accepted papers. Stay tuned for more!

You may access more information about the event here: https://www.eucnc.eu/