‘European Vision for the 6G Network Ecosystem’ White Paper by 5G IA

EVOLVED-5G partners have contributed in publishing the white paper by 5G IA entitled: ‘European Vision for the 6G Network Ecosystem’ You may access the white paper by clicking in the following link: https://5g-ia.eu/single_post/?slug=the-5g-infrastructure-association-5g-ia-publishes-the-white-paper-european-vision-for-the-6g-network-ecosystem

EVOLVED-5G Newsletter Issue 2

The second issue of the EVOLVED-5G newsletter is now available. You may access it and read all about the EVOLVED-5G activities of the April – June 2021 period. You may find it here: https://evolved-5g.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/EVOLVED-5G-Newsletter-Issue-2.pdf

The European project in which the UPV participates aims to achieve the industrial revolution of the 21st century with smart factories.

A very interesting online article (in Spanish) has been published by Universitat Politècnica de València UPV showcasing the objectives and the nature of EVOLVED-5G project. You may access it and read it online here: http://www.upv.es/noticias-upv/noticia-12983-evolved-5g-es.html?fbclid=IwAR3AiO073hsjB5pSTji9HtxQ-nrjbZzNn4Zb9rxRe133crl0jX39AitQI2k

The 5G IA and NetWorldEurope ETP sign Collaboration Agreement

5G IA and NetworldEurope ETP signed a collaboration agreement to facilitate research and innovation for beyond 5G & 6G networks as well as smart networks and services. You may read the joint collaboration agreement at: https://5g-ppp.eu/the-5g-ia-and-networldeurope-etp-sign-collaboration-agreement/?fbclid=IwAR3ZBPdC5ExqnQw6B8plfRmaGqW1HdlLLA05DEWD_JBCGbLcgI2smDUE3c

5GPPP TB Workshop – 24 June 2021 – EVOLVED-5G 5GPPP TB workshop 5G for verticals session

EVOLVED-5G partner, Dimitris Tsolkas (FOGUS), participated in the 5GPPP TB meeting on June 24. He also presented the EVOLVED-5G project by sharing a project overview along with details about the architecture and the members of the consortium.