GMI AERO, EVOLVED-5G partner, released a press release sharing details about EVOLVED-5G project. You may access and read the press release online in the following link:

5GPPP Webinar: “5G Innovations for Verticals”

David Artuñedo from Telefónica participated and presented in the 5GPPP Webinar: “5G Innovations for Verticals”. This webinar introduced to the 5GPPP community the EVOLVED-5G project. The presentation showcased to the 5GPPP community the main pilots, the objectives and the goals of our project.

5G-PPP Newsflash (February 2021) just released!

The latest 5G-PPP Newsflash (February 2021) prepared by the Full5G project and 5G-PPP, is available online. It refers to the latest 5G news and activities performed during the last months of 2020 by 5G-PPP and 5G-IA research projects.You may access it at

Call for Demos IEEE MeditCom 2021 Demo track

Please consider submitting your demo paper at the IEEE MeditCom 2021 Demo session co-chaired by Dr. Harilaos Koumaras (NCSRD partner). Submissions should be a two-page proposal summary that follows the IEEE formatting guidelines: refer to the IEEE submission instructions for details. Be as specific as possible in describing what you will demonstrate or display as demo. Summaries of accepted demos will be included in the IEEE MeditCom 2021 Proceedings. Accepted and presented summaries will be submitted to IEEE Xplore®. You may find more information here:


Two-page demo descriptions/proposal: 15 April 2021
Notification of acceptance: 30 May 2021


GMI AERO, EVOLVED-5G partner, released an online article about EVOLVED-5G project. In this article they share information about the project and its basic attributes. More information available here:

8Bells & EVOLVED-5G

8Bells, EVOLVED-5G partner, released an article about EVOLVED-5G project. It is an article that gives insights about the initiative and explains 8Bells role in the project. You may access and read the article online here: